Puraflow Mixed BED Resin - 5L

Sale priceR 1,195.00 ZAR


What is mixed resin?

Mixed bed resins or mixed bed ion exchange resins are mainly used in the water purification industry for polishing process water to achieve demineralized water quality (such as after a reverse osmosis system). Mixed bed as the name states consists of strong acid cation exchange and strong base anion exchange resin.

How does mixed resin work?

Mixed bed resins use SAC and SBA resins combined together. ... As positively charged cations flow across cation resin beads, the cations are exchanged for hydrogen (H+). Likewise, as negatively charged anions flow across anion resin beads, the anions are exchanged for hydroxyl (OH-‐)

What does anion resin remove?

Anion dealkalizers are primarily used to remove alkalinity from boiler feedwater with a low-to-moderate amount of total dissolved solids (TDS). Anion dealkalizers may also be used to remove carbonate, bicarbonate, sulfates and nitrates from feedwater.

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